Wednesday 23 April 2014

U For Uncle

Snippet Of A Day In My Life

piggyback rides
tickle monster
favorite Uncle

AtoZ Challenge
U Uncle
My brother-in-law is their most favorite person in the world. They love their uncle. He always comes packed with tons of love and energy. No one can replace him, not even us.

Do you have a special uncle/relative whose place no one can take?

And Some of the blogs that I love from T are listed below. Do check them out.
Ghata's Toils for travel 
Afshan's T For Tea

To check out my theme for the challenge click here.
To know more about the challenge and to participate please click here


  1. Nice post. My uncle has been very kind and nice to me fortunately :-).


  2. Of course! Different people in differnet points in time :)

  3. Awww!! :)
    they are adorable!
    for me it was my grandpa and I hope for my kid(s) it will be my darling sis! :)

  4. Not really ! I guess am that person who loves her own company since childhood :P
    May be am boring
    But I really like some of my elder cousins :)

  5. For me it was my dad. Your kids are lucky to have such a doting uncle.

  6. So sweet. I loved my mama too. My kids adore their mama and mausi. Such fun always to be at their homes.

  7. Uncles have a special place in families in many cultures. I wish I had had a good uncle but I was not so fortunate. I did have some awesome aunts though.

  8. My brother, Hugh, was a favorite of my children. He and all my other siblings have passed on a few years ago. They still speak of him. Come visit me if you wish and have time. Best regards to you. Iam in the 740's on the bloglist. Ruby aka Blabbin' Grammy at

  9. Thanks for the tag Sfurti :-)

  10. Oh, my cousin. He is my guardian angel. :)


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