Thursday 10 April 2014

J Jokes

Snippet Of A Day In My Life

A back slap
message to the world
Just kidding

AtoZ Challenge
J Jokes

Have you ever done this trick of back slapping a friend with a chit? I have, multiple times! One of the most common chits used is "Kick me". If you are around me, you may end up being kicked quite a lot (Just kidding or may be not!) :P

As far as jokes are concerned I have not grown up. I loved silly jokes and I still do. One of the silliest and my favorite joke is:

"Q: Why did the picture go to jail?
A: Because it was framed"

So which is the latest joke you have heard? Tell me your most favorite one!

A special shout out to a dear friend who always brings a big smile on my face. What better post to showcase her work than a post dedicated to jokes. Do read her...she is hilarious!
Anuradha I know what you did last summer

To check out my theme for the challenge click here.
To know more about the challenge and to participate please click here


  1. loved the jokes.. That was on my J list too :)

  2. He he.. I'd taken a piece of twine.. about 2 meters long.. and tied it to the belt loop of a friend.. and tied a bunch of old nails to the other side.. Weird jingling noise a bit too far away for the poor chap..

    Nice post.. loved the Haiku and the post after it.. me too like silly jokes

  3. LOLZ, Silly me like silly jokes !

  4. Liked the jokes and the haiku, Sfurti :)

  5. I am glad some one wrote on Jokes
    :) Anu is so cool !
    Silly jokes make me laugh too

  6. :) My hubby is the one who jokes a lot around the house.

  7. Hey THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU. It's such an honour. And just after I wrote this capital thank you thrice I realised... we all must be thankful to Tom Hanks --> T.Hanks... Damn should use for the T post.

  8. O that's a great joke about the picture :)

    As much as I enjoy a good joke and am always up for laughter and fun, there are some types of jokes that just put me off...

    Beauty Interprets, Expresses, Manifests the Eternal

  9. Haha well Anuradha's jokes ..I always end up laughing holding my belly!

    Latest A2Z Challenge Post-Random Thoughts Naba

  10. I should keep guard when you are around. :)

  11. Hmm, I'd better be careful when I meet you then. :D

  12. If you kick me, Spare me, and talk to my hand.. LOL..


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